
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just a few more days!

I have just a few more days until I am going to see my new rheumatologist! I'm so excited, and really just want to go to try and figure out what's wrong with me!

I don't know how many people reading this have ever read Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, but I was reading it for English class the other day (If you have never seen thick language since your high school English class, this essay would not be for you. I had to read it twice to get all of the answers to the companion worksheet) and I really found that it sort of has parts that capture spoonie life, as well as my life. He says that it is not bad to be misunderstood, as a all great and pure minds are. I think all of us undiagnosed find that we are very misunderstood. I am misunderstood in my pain. I have found many doctors who misunderstand me. The brain fog make people misunderstand me (my English teacher asked me where we left off in the movie we were watching with the sub, and my response was "where the guy with the beard's wife got arrested", so the brain fog isn't that fun.) and totally take stuff I say out of context. Parts of that essay would make you think that Emerson was in our minds the whole time.

Anyway, off to do some homework. Mini flare up today, but I have to get something done!

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